I purchased Peggy as an unshown yearling out of the paddock after search for a filly by Coed Coch Gwyndaf and out of the Penllyn Carina family. Being a very slow maturer she was not particularly successful in the showring as a young filly. Her first major win was Reserve Champion Mare at Sydney Royal and she followed that the next year with Supreme Champion Welsh Mountain Pony. She was then successfully shown for major wins including All Welsh Shows and Royal Supremes in three states.
Peggy has proved to be an outstanding broodmare whose progeny have been consistently successful at Royal and All Welsh Show level and have also bred on well in their own right.
Four fillies out of Peggy have been retained, Pandora, Pollyanna, Prima Donna & Peony.
Woranora Sandalwood
Buckskin gelding by Menai Silver Sand (imp)
11/10/95 Woranora Sandman
Buckskin gelding by Menai Silver Sand (imp)
1/11/97 Woranora Pegasus Bay gelding by Menai Silver Sand (imp)
20/10/98 Woranora Prediction Bay Brown gelding by Twyford Negus (imp)
5/10/99 Woranora Phantom
Grey gelding by Weston Platinum
5/11/00 Woranora Pageant Bay colt by Woranora Mosaic
20/10/02 Woranora Peacetime Buckskin filly by Woranora Nimbus
6/11/03 Woranora Piccolo Bay gelding by Woranora Mosaic
29/11/04 Woranora Piaf Brown filly by Woranora Mosaic
25/11/2006 Woranora Priscilla Buckskin filly by Woranora Tempest
21/11/2007 Woranora Party Girl Buckskin filly by Woranora Tempest
15/11/2009 Woranora Phoenix Buckskin Roan colt by Imperial Behold